Threat Detection and Monitoring

  • Anzen utilizes advanced threat detection technologies.
  • Technologies used: Behavior Analytics, Machine Learning, Advanced Anomaly Detection.
  • Continuous monitoring: Network traffic, endpoints & logs.
  • Goal: To identify potential threats, malicious activities, suspicious patterns. 

Incident Response and Threat Hunting

  • Anzen’s security analysts respond to confirmed incidents.
  • The extent of the compromise is investigated & response plan is executed.
  • Proactive threat hunting techniques are used to identify hidden or emerging threats.
  • Goal: Minimize incident impact, prevent future attacks.

Threat Intelligence and Reporting

  • Anzen utilizes latest threat intelligence feeds from global sources.
  • Integration of threat intelligence into monitoring and detection processes.
  • Enhanced ability to identify emerging threats & zero-day attacks.
  • Regular reports with actionable insights that help understand threat landscape & take informed decisions.

Protection Coverage and support

  • 8×5/16×5/24×7 Coverage: Flexible operation hours for organizations located across the globe.
  • Tailored to specific needs: Customized support for varying security operation requirements.
  • Expert guidance: Experienced professionals available round the clock.

Tailored and Customized Service Offering

  • Customized approach: Anzen understands unique organizational needs.
  • Close collaboration with clients to understand security infrastructure and risk landscape.
  • Tailored MIR services to meet precise needs.
  • Optimal protection and alignment with business objectives.

SOC Management or Hybrid Approach

  • Anzen offers standalone MIR services and management of existing SOC in a hybrid model.
  • For organizations with an in-house SOC, our MIR services can be integrated to enhance security capabilities.
  • End-to-End Security: For organizations without an established SOC, we can fully manage their security operations.
