Incident Response and Forensics

Managed Incident Response Onsite Incident Responders On Demand Incident Response F/B/I Readiness

Anzen's Managed Incident & Response (MIR) services offer a comprehensive and proactive solution designed to safeguard organizations from cyber threats. Anzen's MIR services are tailored to meet the unique needs of businesses, providing peace of mind and proactive protection against evolving cyber risks. 


Key Features

Threat Detection and Monitoring

  • Anzen utilizes advanced threat detection technologies.
  • Technologies used: Behavior Analytics, Machine Learning, Advanced Anomaly Detection.
  • Continuous monitoring: Network traffic, endpoints & logs.
  • Goal: To identify potential threats, malicious activities, suspicious patterns. 

Incident Response and Threat Hunting

  • Anzen’s security analysts respond to confirmed incidents.
  • The extent of the compromise is investigated & response plan is executed.
  • Proactive threat hunting techniques are used to identify hidden or emerging threats.
  • Goal: Minimize incident impact, prevent future attacks.

Threat Intelligence and Reporting

  • Anzen utilizes latest threat intelligence feeds from global sources.
  • Integration of threat intelligence into monitoring and detection processes.
  • Enhanced ability to identify emerging threats & zero-day attacks.
  • Regular reports with actionable insights that help understand threat landscape & take informed decisions.

Protection Coverage and support

  • 8×5/16×5/24×7 Coverage: Flexible operation hours for organizations located across the globe.
  • Tailored to specific needs: Customized support for varying security operation requirements.
  • Expert guidance: Experienced professionals available round the clock.

Tailored and Customized Service Offering

  • Customized approach: Anzen understands unique organizational needs.
  • Close collaboration with clients to understand security infrastructure and risk landscape.
  • Tailored MIR services to meet precise needs.
  • Optimal protection and alignment with business objectives.

SOC Management or Hybrid Approach

  • Anzen offers standalone MIR services and management of existing SOC in a hybrid model.
  • For organizations with an in-house SOC, our MIR services can be integrated to enhance security capabilities.
  • End-to-End Security: For organizations without an established SOC, we can fully manage their security operations.



Anzen's Dedicated Incident Response Staff Augmntation Service is designed to provide organizations with highly skilled incident response experts who work as an extension of their existing Security Operations Center (SOC). Whether on client premises or remotely, our dedicated incident responders offer specialized support and expertise to efficiently detect, analyze, and respond to security incidents. This service is available for engagement on a yearly or multi-yearly basis, ensuring long-term partnership and continuous protection against cyber threats.


Key Features


Experienced Incident Response Professionals

  • Seasoned professionals with extensive experience in IR and threat mitigation.
  • Deep knowledge of industry-standards & incident response frameworks.
  • Skilled in handling a wide range of security incidents.

Seamless Integration

  • Dedicated incident responders seamlessly integrate into the existing SOC team.
  • They align workflows, processes, and communication channels.
  • They work closely with the internal team by complementing their expertise.

On-Premise or Remote Engagement

  • Choose to have committed incident responders with their physical presence in SOC or through remote support.
  • Flexibility to choose the arrangement that suits operational requirements and preferences.

Incident Detection and Response

  • Actively monitor network, logs, and security events to identify potential incidents.
  • Swiftly respond to incidents, conduct thorough investigations, and execute predefined response plans.
  • Minimize impact of security breaches and rapidly restore normal operations.

Incident Triage and Analysis

  • Perform comprehensive triage and analysis of security incidents.
  • Assess severity and impact, gather crucial evidence, and provide detailed reports.
  • Enable understanding of incidents, appropriate actions, and necessary preventive measures.

Yearly/Multi-Yearly Engagement

  • Available for engagement on a yearly or multi-yearly basis.
  • Long-term partnership ensures continuity and stability in IR capabilities.
  • Enables strategic planning and alignment of security objectives.

Incident Containment and Mitigation

  • Employee advanced techniques to contain and mitigate threats.
  • Collaborate with internal team to implement containment strategies and isolate affected systems.
  • Minimize potential spread of the attack, prevent further damage, and limit impact. 

Forensics Analysis and Post-Incident Remediation

  • Conduct thorough forensic analysis, identify root cause, attack vectors, and vulnerabilities.
  • Provide comprehensive reports with actionable recommendations.
  • Strengthen security infrastructure and prevent future incidents.


Anzen’s On-demand forensics service is a specialized offering that provides timely and efficient digital forensic investigations. It leverages advanced technologies, such as cloud computing, machine learning, and automation, to streamline the investigation process. Unlike traditional forensics services that require dedicated infrastructure and personnel, our on-demand services enable organizations to access forensic expertise whenever and wherever needed.


Key Features


Initial Consultation

  • Discuss scope of investigation, nature of the incident, and relevant details.
  • Determine requirements and objectives of the investigation.

Evidence Collection

  • Assist in preserving and collecting digital evidence.
  • Secure data acquisition, chain-of-custody documentation, and adherence to legal and regulatory requirements.

Reporting and Presentation

  • Prepare detailed report with findings, interpretations, and recommendations.
  • Report can be presented clearly and concisely for legal proceedings or internal review.

Remote Analysis

  • Forensic experts perform analysis remotely.
  • Utilize secure communication channels and stringent data protection protocols.
  • Employ specialized tools and techniques to examine collected evidence and extract insights.

Follow-up Support

  • On-demand services include post-investigation support.
  • Offer expert testimony, ongoing consultation, or additional analysis if required.
  • Work on a retainer model for on-demand forensic service.


We at Anzen Technologies help organizations achieve an appropriate level of capability to be able to collect, preserve, protect and analyze digital evidence so that this evidence can be effectively used in any legal matters, in disciplinary matters, in an employment tribunal or court of law. We also help organizations strengthen security operations, respond to & handle incidents effectively.

High Level Activities

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)